16 May 2012
stream of consciousness...
May 16th. I keep having to count forward from saturday, May 12th to remind myself what day it is. Up until now today I have enjoyed a rather exciting day of normalcy. Large gray rainclouds bring gentle but constant rain. Driving over to Markaryd brought visits to the grocery store, bakery, bookstore, watch shop, and library in the town. Coffee has become one of my best friends as I continue to work through jet lag. Even after incredibly long days, evenings are always a little bit easier than waking up around 8 or 9, which I thought about today is basically like waking up at 2 a.m. eastern time every day. Slowly I am shifting over to Swedish time. Having a watch will hopefully also help. I can also tell that I am beginning to pick up little bits of Swedish here and there. Because so much of the swedish language seems to utilize the long ´a´ sound, more often than not this spills into my english and I simply start talking in english with a funny british-type accent. During lunch I got a little reminder of home while I ate cereal and ´christmas porridge´ when, while we listened to the radio, Fun.´s ´We Are Young´ started to play and I got really excited. I actually know that song! Wow, this might be the most random stream of unrelated thoughts ever typed together on one page. Well, if you were smart maybe you stopped reading long before the end of this blog post. Happy Wednesday! Off to Kopenhamn tomorrow.