12 June 2012


In general I really love being around other languages and especially being in countries where people speak other languages. One drawback, however, to not being able to fully express myself in Swedish (somehow "Happy MidSummer" or "Can I please have a cup of coffee?" just don't sum up the spectrum of human emotion and experience) is the myriad thoughts that I spontaneously have relating to brief, but memorable moments throughout the day. And although traveling can have so much to do with the major sights one sees while abroad, for me, traveling is defined by the moments with people I meet along the way that become moments I will remember long after hundreds of other details fade. It is also these moments, and conversations, images, and experiences that are the hardest but most important to explain after returning home; that which, if I could, would be my response to the inevitable question, "how was your trip?" But in an attempt to share the thousands of thoughts I had just today, and really wanted to share with someone, here you go...

-Thank you, Stellan, for the absolutely delicious grilled dinner!
-Thank you, Irene, for the baby turtle. No worries, I could never forget you both.
-Just talking about the U.S.A, I know I have planted the inevitable idea in Anita and Birgit's mind that they  now have to come visit!! Anita, you are a pensioner now...enjoy it! (aka, travel!!)
-I can't believe it is 11 o'clock at night and it is still light outside. Love it.
-Because, while discussing the upcoming November elections, we decided there may not be the candidate available that we'd prefer, this evenings' consensus decided that Stellan will win the presidential election, I (Susan) will be the Secretary of Horticulture. Birgit wants to be the Secretary of State. Ingemar will be the head of the military. Irene wants to be some sort of Secretary of Husbandry, and Anita shall be the Secretary of all Social Services. Look out world, you may be ending the day after the elections!
-Does Sweden ever have lightening bugs?
-I love when Swedes mispronounce 'moose' as 'mouse,' and multiple 'shrimp' as 'shrimps.'
-I also love that these same Swedes can utilize the word 'procurement' in the same conversation. Seriously second-cousin-once-removed!? Why must you have a more advanced grasp of the english language that I do!??